CBK Power Company Limited launched its Leadership Development Program through a Leaders’ Summit with the theme “Our Empowerment Journey” last October 2014 at Sol Y Viento Hotel and Resort in Calamba, Laguna. The program aims to enhance the professional and personal development of employees who play and will play increasingly important management and leadership roles within the organization. This is geared to provide a change in mindset complemented by advance set of leadership skills.
The program targeted thirty three (33) employees from Senior Manager to High Potentials. In partnership with Salt and Light Ventures, a division of Breakthrough Leadership Management Consultancy, the leadership journey commenced with a course entitled, “LeaderShift: Moving from Managing Tasks to Managing People” facilitated by Boris Joaquin.
In order to provide a continuing venue for leadership development towards building better leaders, this year, The Roadmap to Leaders’ Development: Pursuing Our Empowerment Journey was introduced. This is designed to provide variety of learning opportunities through review sessions, coaching sessions, identified training courses and Annual Leaders’ Summit, to further address the improvement on the leadership quality of the leaders in the organization.
The empowerment journey continues with the conduct of the courses entitled “Leading Without the Title” by Boris Joaquin and “EQ Essentials for Managing People” by Coach Lito Cornejo last March and June, respectively.
True to its commitment towards employee empowerment and professional development, CBK shall pursue its EMPOWERMENT JOURNEY.